Charity Information

SunriSE Charity Objects

The objects of the charity are to enhance the development and education of children primarily under statutory school age by:

  1.   Offering appropriate play, education and care facilities and early childhood diagnostic and therapeutic services, together with the right of parents to take responsibility for and to become involved in the activities of such groups, ensuring that such groups offer opportunities for all children whatever their race, culture, religion, means or ability.
  2.    Encouraging parents to understand and provide for the needs of their children through community groups.

Why are we a charity?

  • We are an organisation set up for a charitable purpose.
  • We are not profit-making – so any surplus we make is used to further our organisation’s purposes.
  • We are independent – that is, we are not a part of any governing department, local authority or any other statutory bodies.
  • We want to formally represent and help meet the needs of our community.
  • We want to be able to assure the public that we are being monitored and advised by the charity commission, from which we can seek advice and information.

What additional activities can we do now, as a charity?

  • Public Benefit (i.e. for the benefit of others) – staff and members of the Board make sure that everything our charity does helps (or is intended to help) to achieve the purposes for public benefit for which it is set up, and no other purpose. This means we:
    • ensure we understand the charity’s purposes as set out in our governing document.
    • plan what we will do, and what we want it to achieve.
    • are able to explain how all of our charity’s activities are intended to further or support our purposes.
    • understand how the charity benefits the public by carrying out its purposes.
  • Collaboration – we intend to cooperate and work with a variety of organisations that will complement and support our purpose.  Organisations such as local authority multi-agency teams, schools, and Police for sharing safeguarding information, for example.  Any partner organisation must follow the same guidelines required when working with children and families such as adhering to a safer recruitment process as required for organisations and individuals working with children and families including enhanced DBS checks and complete employment history etc.
  • Raise funds and income generation projects –participate in activities that can be used to plough back into our nursery provision which in turn will improve the education and development for children we care for.
  • Working more with families – we can create and develop projects that build links with our local community such as designing a family centre which will be a community resource providing local support to parents, carers and their children.  We aim to provide a wide range of services to all members of the community, with our focus being on the family and its members to help develop the necessary knowledge, confidence and qualities to participate in their families and the direction of their own development for children.  Our services will include parenting classes, advice and guidance on the education system and Child/Family Contact centres, for example.  Our Contact centre will be a neutral place where children of separated families can enjoy contact with their non-resident parents and sometimes other family members, in a comfortable and safe environment.

Advantages of being a charity

  • Charities do not generally have to pay income/corporation tax (in the case of some types of income), capital gains tax, or stamp duty, and gifts to charities are usually free of inheritance tax.
  • A charity pays no more than 20% of normal business rates on the buildings which they use and occupy to further their charitable purposes – in many cases the local authority will award, upon application, the additional 20% as a further relief, giving 100% rates relief.
  • A charity can get special VAT treatment in some circumstances.
  • Charities are often able to raise funds from the public, grant-making trusts and local government more easily than non-charitable bodies.
  • Charities can reclaim gift aid on many of the donations received from private individuals.
  • Charities are able to give the public the assurance that they are being monitored and advised by The Charity Commission.


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